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RAC - Repairable Asset Control

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Stop Guessing. Get RAC® and Get Control.

RAC Repairable Asset Control

If you’re like most manufacturers, you simply do not have the time or the manpower to adequately track and control your spare components. This usually results in components being scattered all over the plant, in cabinets, closets and forgotten stashes—costing you thousands of dollars.

RAC is a turnkey program designed to track and manage repairable spare parts inventory. We have over 20 years of successful integration with many industrial sectors. We utilize powerful analytical tools and top-notch warranty tracking. RAC provides support and access to critical data 24/7. Best of all, our customers have saved millions by partnering with us.

RAC® Services can control your repairable spares and save your plant $1,000,000 this year

RAC Services saves you money by locating, bar-coding, tracking and controlling your repairable spares. RAC is made up of four components:

  1. RAC custom software
  2. Bar-code generators
  3. Bar-code scanners
  4. Full-Time RAC Coordinator

Why a Full-time Coordinator?

Your RAC Coordinator works full-time in your plant and is responsible for the set-up, function and daily control of the service. With the RAC Coordinator in place, there are no gaps of manpower or holes in your database. RAC will:

  • Interface with Purchasing, Stores and Maintenance Groups
  • Bar Code and Track All Repairable Assets
  • Set Up and Maintain the Repairable Asset Database
  • Track and Collect Warranties
  • Manage the Shipment and Return of Repairs
  • Work to Prevent Unnecessary Purchases
  • Broker Obsolete & Excess Parts
  • Provide Fully Customizable Report Options

How RAC® Saves you Money

Cost-Savings Categories Include:

  • Warranty Claims
  • Purchase Prevention
  • Cost Reductions
  • Obsolete Part Sales
  • Repair Conversions
  • Inventory Reduction

RAC® eliminates the guesswork associated with your repairable spares and puts you in control.




Would you like to save your plant $1,000,000 this year? PSI’s award-winning Repairable Asset Control (RAC®) service offers on-site management of MRO parts and manufacture of obsolete/legacy components.